Our Adventure Taking Dogs to Zion National Park

Dog enjoying a scenic trail in Zion National Park, highlighting tips and trails for traveling with your furry friend.

Taking our beagle, Sniffy, to Zion National Park was a fun adventure, and I thought it might be helpful to share our experience for other dog owners considering a similar trip. Zion is a stunning natural wonder located in southwestern Utah, and though it’s a popular destination for humans, Zion is not welcoming for dogs and bringing your dog along does require some planning.

Planning the Trip

Firstly, itโ€™s important to know the parkโ€™s regulations regarding pets. Only a few areas in Zion National Park are open to pets, and they must be leashed at all times. The primary area where dogs are allowed is the Paโ€™rus Trail, an easily accessible, paved trail that offers beautiful views without venturing too far into the park. Apparently the river has bacteria that is harmful to dogs. For detailed information about pet restrictions, visit the Zion National Park Pets Page.

The Journey There

Our journey began early in the morning. We packed all essentials for Sniffy, including:

  • Water and a collapsible bowl
  • Food and treats
  • Waste bags
  • A comfortable leash and harness
  • A pet first-aid kit

The drive to Zion National Park from our home took about 4 hours. If youโ€™re planning a similar trip, be sure to make frequent stops for your pet to stretch their legs and take bathroom breaks. You can find the park easily on Google Maps for detailed directions from your location.

Exploring the Paโ€™rus Trail

The Paโ€™rus Trail is conveniently located near the parkโ€™s south entrance and spans about 1.5 miles one way. Hereโ€™s a step-by-step outline of our experience on the trail:

  1. Starting Point: We started at the trailhead, which has ample parking and a visitor center where we grabbed a map.
  2. Open Spaces: The initial part of the trail offers wide-open spaces which Sniffy loved exploring. We kept him leashed but gave him plenty of slack to sniff around.
  3. Scenic Views: The trail runs along the Virgin River, providing stunning views of the surrounding cliffs. There were several points where we paused to take pictures and enjoy the scenery.
  4. Wildlife Watching: About halfway through, we saw some deer in the distance, which made Sniffy quite curious. On the way back to the campground we saw a tarantula crossing the road. This was a good reminder to keep a close watch on your pets.

The walk was leisurely, and we finished in about two hours. By the end, we had a tired but very happy beagle who had enjoyed every moment of sniffing around the park.

A Few Tips for Fellow Dog Owners

To make the most of your trip, consider these additional tips:

  • Hydration: Always bring more water than you think youโ€™ll need, both for yourself and your pet.
  • Weather Check: Zion can get very hot, especially in summer. Plan to visit early in the day or during cooler months.
  • Respect Other Visitors: Not everyone is comfortable around dogs, so keep yours under control and be mindful of other hikers.

Our trip to Zion National Park with Sniffy was a wonderful experience, and one Iโ€™d highly recommend to fellow dog owners. Happy travels!